Tuesday 7 June 2011

Tweet RPG update: things so far

Hello everyone! Well, we've made it to the 10th 'King Slayer' vote and you haven't been killed by a pack of rabid wolves or fallen down a bottomless chasm. Well done! Thought I'd update you on a couple of adjustments to the Tweet RPG format, to make things a bit simpler and easier to maintain.

Firstly, the voting system seems to be working really. Almost everyone has been responding correctly and to the correct voting session, so no problems there. The two voting sessions per day are working well, but there will be a slight change. From now on, there will be no voting sessions on Sundays - the voting session that starts on Saturday night at 8:00 pm will continue all the way through until 8:00 am Monday morning. You can still vote on Sundays; just don't expect a new voting session until Monday.

There will also be slight changes to the Tweet RPG battle system. Narrating every move of the battle took way too much time, so from now on battles will be posted in a simpler, more concise form i.e. You attack - hit! [-7 HP], Opponent attacks - miss, etc. Battles that are central to the progression of the story may possibly have narration, but the majority will be shown as above.

I have to admit, I'm pretty excited about how Tweet RPG has started. It's been really fun and encouraging to see you guys getting involved and engaging with the project. I'd love to be able to post more on the blog, but having just started a new job I'm afraid my time is of the essence. If you have any feedback on how Tweet RPG is going, any suggestions/queries, or projects you would like promoted, comment below or contact me on Twitter - my personal account is @samuel_j_r.

Keep on questing!

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